2 Forex Grid systems compared shows how to trade directionless and multiply a trend 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Forex Trading System
NEWEST VIDEO MUST WATCH: “+1000 Forex traders prove that direction is NOT important when entering Forex trades ✔️ Manage them!”
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The No Stop, Hedged, Grid System VS Grid Trend Multiplier Grid System. Links below:-

No Stop, Hedged, Grid Trading System

The Expert4x Grid Forex Trading System

1. Sideways market trading Tool
2. Direction less
3. No transaction stops are used (only Overall ones)
4. At each Grid level it Opens a buy and a sell at the same time
5. At each grid level it cashes in the positive trade and leaves the other on open
6. Keeps trading until positive or hits and overall stop
7. Dangerous in a trending market.

Grid Trend Multiplier

The Grid Trend Multiplier

1. Trending market trading Tool
2. Only trades in one direction
3. No transaction stops are used (only Overall ones)
4. opens a trade in the decided direction at each grid level
5. At each grid level it closes a positive trade and opens another trade in the predetermined direction
6. The trader must stop trading when the trend is no longer strong.
7. Dangerous if the market goes against the direction of trade

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