Russia bans 963 Americans, including Biden and Harris — but not Trump & Rand Paul


Russia has banned nearly 1,000 Americans, including President Biden, Vice President Harris, and many others from the US administration, from entering the country.

This comes in response to the US support of Ukraine. From a Foreign Ministry news release:

  • “In the context of response to the constantly imposed anti-Russian sanctions by the United States and in connection with incoming requests about the personal composition of our national ‘stop list,’ the Russian Foreign Ministry publishes a list of American citizens who are permanently banned from entering the Russian Federation”

Former President Trump was not banned. Current Senator Rand Paul, who delayed a Senate vote on aid for Ukraine last week when he was the only senator to object was also not banned. The only prominent Trump administration official included in the ban is former secretary of state Mike Pompeo.

Russia also banned former senators John McCain, Harry Reid, and Orrin Hatch, even though they are all dead.

Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden

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