Eurozone May Sentix investor confidence 21.0 vs 15.0 expected


Latest data released by Sentix – 10 May 2021

That’s a solid beat and the jump in investor confidence highlights the optimism surrounding the euro area and global economic recovery going into 2H 2021. The reading is the highest since March 2018 with Sentix highlighting that there are clear signs that the global economy is starting to overheat:

The global economy is beginning to show signs of overheating. The situation assessments in all regions continue to
improve. With the exception of Latin America and Eastern Europe, we measure positive values everywhere. The
Corona-related recession phase has ended. At the same time, expectations remain high. Investors therefore expect
a continuation of the current upswing, which is increasingly perceived as a boom. This has a noticeable effect on the
situation on the bond markets. Investors expect reactions from the central banks.

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