UK PM Johnson: London to go into tier 4 level of restrictions


In a press conference on Saturday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that he had been briefed on data showing that the new variant of the coronavirus is spreading more rapidly in parts of England, as reported by Reuters. Johnson further announced that London and areas of Southeast England will go into tier 4 level of restrictions. 

Additional takeaways

“The advisory group says new variant does appear to spread more easily.”

“The R rate could increase by 0.4 or more.”

“The new variant could be up to 70% more transmissible than the earlier version.”

“We have to act now.”

“No evidence the new variant is more dangerous.”

“No evidence to suggest the vaccine will be any less effective against it.”

“Those in tier 4 must stay at home, cannot stay away from home overnight.”

“In tier 4, non-essential retail, indoor leisure, indoor entertainment, personal care sectors must close.”

“In tier 4, a person can only meet with one other person in an outdoor public space.”

“Asking everyone in all tiers to stay local.”

“We must look again at Christmas.”

“With the new variant, we cannot continue with Christmas as planned.”

“People in tier 4 cannot mix with anyone outside their household.”

“Christmas rules for allowing 3 households to mix are limited to Christmas day for rest of the country.”

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