Breaking: Fox News, AP, ABC, NBC and CNN call elections for Biden


Joe Biden has been elected the 46th President of the United States according to Fox News, AP, ABC, NBC, and CNN. 

The former Vice-President has pulled ahead in Pennsylvania. The latest batch of votes from the Keystone State put Biden ahead by around 34,000 votes ahead of President Donald Trump. Here is the official post from ABC:

ABC News can characterize Joe Biden as the apparent winner in Pennsylvania — a win that makes him president-elect. Based on these numbers and those in other states, Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States.

The Biden campaign thanked the American people and repeated messages of unity. There is no response from the Trump campaign at the time of writing. 

With Pennsylvania, Biden has 273 electoral college votes, more than 270 needed for a majority. Markets closed higher in the election week. 


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