Trump doctor says he incorrectly used terms ’72 hours’ and ’48 hours’


The timeline is changed

Earlier today Trump’s doctor indicated he had been diagnosed with COVID 72 hours earlier, a timeline that would have been the morning after the debate. Afterwards, he attended a rally in Minnesota and then a fundraiser the following day.

Now the doctor is saying this is a timeline clarification:

If Trump campaigned and held rallies after he was diagnosed, it would be devastating for his re-election chances.

This explanation doesn’t really add up but we’ve all grown accustomed to the non-stop disinformation so it’s tough to know who and what to believe. The doctor also said Trump didn’t need supplemental oxygen on Friday but White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said he did. Others point out that it wasn’t Conley that said ’48 hours’, it was a different doctor.

Still, unless someone directly contradicts the revised timeline, it will probably fade away.

Meanwhile, Trump tweeted about wanting stimulus. I read that as a plea to Senate Republicans to get it done, which would undoubtedly be positive for risk assets on Monday.

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