UK press with another bullish coronavirus vaccine story


This has been out for an hour or so, it got overtaken by the twitter hack 

  • Oxford scientists believe they have made a breakthrough in their quest for a Covid-19 vaccine
  • discovering that the jab triggers a response that may offer a “double defence” against the virus

The article is gated but, in brief, 

  • Phase I human trials of the world-leading Oxford vaccine have shown that it generates an immune response against the disease, the Telegraph has learned.
  • Blood samples taken from a group of UK volunteers given a dose of the vaccine showed that it stimulated the body to produce both antibodies and ‘killer T-cells’, a senior source said.
  • However the source cautioned that the results, while “extremely promising”, did not yet prove that the Oxford vaccine provides long-lasting immunity against Covid-19.”I can tell you that we now know the Oxford vaccine covers both bases – it produces both a T cell and an antibody response,” the senior source told the Telegraph.”It’s the combination of these two that will hopefully keep people safe.”So far, so good. It’s an important moment. But we still have a long way to go.”

Markets are liking all this vaccine stuff right now. Globex ES is reopened, barely moved. Risk currencies ditto. 

The full findings will be published in the Lancet medical journal on July 20, it was confirmed on Wednesday night.

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